Listed below are articles, lectures and course outlines for a variety of subjects about which I have written and spoken.

Because my arbitration awards are confidential, you will have to search for those that parties have submitted for publication on the sites of Lexis, BNA, CCH, AAA and other sponsoring organizations.

Selected Writings and Lectures on Arbitration

  • ADR Advocacy — Arbitration
  • Baseball Arbitration — and Mediation Article
  • Decision Making by Judges and Arbitrators
  • Effective Case Management in Employment Arbitration
  • Evidence and Case Management
  • Expert Testimony and Arbitral Case Management
  • Hot Tips – Arbitration
  • How to Arbitrate Employment Law Cases
  • Motion Practice in Employment Arbitration
  • NLRB and Post-Arbitration Deferral
  • Remedy Issues in Labor Arbitration

Selected Writings and Lectures on Mediation

  • Breaking the Impasse and Getting to Yes
  • How Advocates Can Make Mediation Work for Them
  • Mediation Philosophy

Selected Writings and Lectures on Med-Arb

  • Baseball Arbitration — and Mediation Article
  • Should Arbitrators Mediate – Yes, No and Maybe

Selected Writings and Lectures on Impartial Conflict Management

  • Facilitating the Interactive Process Under the ADA
  • Impartial Investigation of Sexual Harassment – Cornell Course Outline
  • UF College of Law Report
  • What’s Wrong with ADR in Employment Law
  • You Did What – Non-Traditional ADR

Selected Writings and Lectures on General Subjects

  • ADR Forms – Strategic Drafting
  • HIPAA – A Guide for the Perplexed
  • Introduction to Labor Law Course
  • Negotiating and Enforcing CBAs